Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Walk in Life......

A friend sent a mail today which I actually read amongst all the fwds that I choose not to look at. The mail was somewhat on the lines of something I wonder.. I often tell myself and frenz that people come in your life for a reason but since everyone is not meant to be so few stay while others’ come, hang in and then walk away.. There have been quite a few people in my life who have been there for a while.. I often ask have they made a difference whatsoever in the little encounter?!
Some have walked in for just a while.. Not the kinds who linger around for long.. but just come by.. just to drop a ‘hi’ kinds.. Well.. yes they did manage to make a difference.. maybe not something substantial enough for me to take it to my grave but worthwhile enough to serve the purpose intended.. it could be for support.. faith.. adventure.. love.. care.. beauty.. special.. personality.. remembrance.. joy.. it was whatever I needed so badly deep within me at that moment.. to bring that lost smile back on my face.. And the very thought of being around that person is so very scintillating.. the euphoria so unmatched.. Alas, all of it was equally short lived.. And yeah just like all the good things in life which have to come to an end this one jus tops the list.. I guess they came in my life only for a while to help me forget and then move on.. either something or someone.. and in a way they helped me to reclaim my life which I had given away.. given away for a lost friend.. love gone.. mundane life.. ..separation or maybe a broken heart.. and once I had reclaimed that they walked away.. just as they had walked in.. and in spite of regaining that something I often wonder was it worth it.. worth the loss of this someone new..

Then, there are also few people I have been acquainted with for only a period.. or should I say for a duration in my life.. I guess they came in my life to change my perspective about myself and make me wanna see that something new in myself as well as around.. They helped me broaden my horizons and challenge my abilities.. I guess they served as a medium for me to learn, grow and advance.. Evolve into someone new than what I was before I met the person... And eventually with my evolution occurred their disappearance...

The last to be talked about are the ones that I can’t get enough of.. They simply refuse to go and stay for a lifetime torture.. and thank god for that.. And I will always be grateful to them for not only walking into my life but also staying and putting up with me unlike others, as I can be quite a pain most of the times.. I guess these are the people whom I can count on.. when in need or fear.. I know they are there and will be there for me always.. One can be assured of an unique emotional rollercoaster ride with them.. These are the ones who bring out the ability of unconditional love.. to love them as well as myself.. They’ve helped me become a better person with the experiences and values we have shared.. And more than anything they take me and accept me for what I am and not what I could be for them.. And so I love them even more..
So now when I sit back and look through my life and people I have come across.. I am thankful to not one but all for that one walk they made in my life.. Cause I don’t regret a single moment I spent with them for that is exactly what I wanted at that very moment in my life!!!

So Thank You for you'll always be remembered!!!